“When you express your unique talents and use them in the service of humanity you create abundance in your lives and in the lives of others.” – Deepak Chopra

India Book-Keeping, Account and Finance

Infinitude Consulting Private Limited is a professionally managed firm catering to domestic and international clients with a broad range of services in Accounting & Finance. We provide Taxation, Regulatory, Advisory and Support services; as well as, Cross-border-Transaction related services.

Welcome to the myriad range of Business Support Services from a dynamic & proactive team at Infinitude Consulting. We’ve found that providing a full back-office team of specialists tends to be more beneficial for the client, than internally hiring an untrained person or a person with the wrong skill set. Our team structure allows you to get the right information from the right people, at the right time, every-time.

Infinitude Consulting consists of a team of dedicated and experienced professionals and associates like Chartered Accountants, Company Secretary and related expert Consultants to provide end-to-end services to suit your specific business requirements. The team is committed to provide valuable, consistent and efficient services based on its in-depth knowledge and wide experience in the areas of audit, taxation, regulatory compliances and many other related business services. Our objective is to help our clients to focus on achieving their business and financial goals by providing services that are personalized and tailored to meet their requirements and suit their respective businesses the best.


Audit Support

Audits are generally undertaken with an objective of preparing and presenting to the management and shareholders a complete and fair view of the financial position and operational results of an organization.


Since India’s tax environment has changed dramatically, in recent times, the Indian Government has taken several measures to make organizations tax compliant.


Accounting, Advisory and Business Assistance

The Indian Companies Act, 2013 requires that books of accounts be maintained, complying with mandatory accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) or, as prescribed by the Central Government.


FEM Act and RBI Regulations

The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) is the primary legislation in India which regulates cross-border transactions and related activities.

Corporate Laws and Company Secretarial

The Companies Act, 2013 is an Act to make the law more contemporary and relevant to corporate, regulators and stakeholders in India.


Business Registrations

To commence and continue any business in India, registrations under various Acts and Laws are required.


Outsourced CFO Services

The Finance function being the lifeblood of a business, the financial health of an organisation holds the key to its survival and growth.


Payroll Processing Services

One of the key features that every start up and small business would give significance to presently is Payroll Management through Payroll Outsourcing.


Business Support Services

Business Plan Development/ Project Reports

Free Corporate Financial Health Check-up..!

While we are all coming to terms with the new realities brought on by COVID-19, Infinitude Consulting is prepared and willing to help see you through these challenging times by providing:

  • Augmented cash-flow projections
  • Tailored guidance on the new governmental initiatives to suit your business
  • Preview into the near-term outlook

A Corporate Financial health check-up is a preliminary step in the company’s Financial Planning Process and comprises of analysing all the elements that make up your company’s financial health. It is based on various parameters of your company’s finance and involves analysing Income, Expenses, Savings, Goals, Assets, Liabilities, etc.

Infinitude Consulting’s financial health check-up deals with the critical aspects of your financial planning and is an effective way to assess the position of your company’s financial health in relation to your goals, needs and aspirations.

       Financial Health check-up includes:

  • A detailed review of Income and Expenditure
  • Analysis of data to control Debt and boost Savings
  • Identifying sources of unnecessary Expenditure
  • Recommendations for right Investments to suit your company’s Financial Goals
  • Expert advice on current Investments
  • Effective Tax Planning guidance

Business Impact: You get a look at your firm’s overall financial picture and can identify the best ways to improve for planning a better future.


Audit Support Services

Audits are generally undertaken with an objective of preparing and presenting to the management and shareholders a complete and fair view of the financial position and operational results of an organization. However, an audit goes much beyond just achieving statutory objectives. It provides a birds-eye view of the performance of the organization, identifies potential threats, risks and loopholes which need to be addressed in order to help achieve the organization’s targets.

Infinitude Consulting’s Audit Support Services are aimed at minimizing the possibility of fraud and error and serve as a tool for improving investor confidence and also to help the management take better business decisions and strengthen the existing governance policies. We provide Audit Support Services in line with the guidelines laid down by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the Generally Accepted audit and Accounting Principles.

Audit Support Services include:

  • Coordination for Statutory Audits
  • Support for Internal Audit
  • Facilitation of Tax Audit
  • Support for Stock Audit
  • Arranging for Special Audits
  • Preparation of documents and workings for Audit


Since India’s tax environment has changed dramatically, in recent times, the Indian Government has taken several measures to make organizations tax compliant. Various incentives in the form of tax advantages are being introduced in order to attract new investments and promote quick economic development for setting up units in certain parts of the country. The corporate tax rates are being reduced and steps are being taken to phase out certain deductions.

However, the compliance burden on the organisations, in order to avail these tax benefits and advantages has increased manifold, making the tax landscape in India quite complex. The Income-Tax Return forms are more elaborate now, with even more detailed disclosures required. Non – disclosure of correct and complete information attracts penalties and increases the chances of litigation.  Organizations not only need to adopt and adhere to the ever increasing compliances, but can also benefit by strategizing and executing their business plans in order to minimize their tax liabilities within the existing regulatory framework.

Added to that, with several entities investing in India and also domestic entities expanding and looking for business opportunities outside India, the number of cross border transactions has increased manifold. Thus, there is a newfound need to implement strategies in order to address various tax opportunities in order to achieve growth. These transactions need to be analysed keeping in mind the tax laws of both the countries of business. Entities need to plan their business activities in such a manner that these transactions are well within the given regulatory framework and compliances are made within the prescribed timelines while ensuring that the entity does not lose sight of its core deliverables.

The Infinitude Consulting Team of tax professionals are constantly in the process of decoding the complex tax structures in order to help clients keep pace with the necessary compliances and address their tax concerns efficiently. We offer integrated services: Advisory, as well as, Assistance in Procedural Compliances for both – Direct & Indirect Taxation within the country, as well as for International Taxation.

Taxation related services include:

Direct Tax

  • Corporate Taxation and Compliance
  • Representations before tax authorities and Dispute Resolution
  • Taxation of High Networth Individuals (HNI’s)
  • Taxation of Non – Resident Indians (NRI’s)
  • Filing of Income Tax Returns and Other Forms
  • Tax Planning Services
  • Consulting and Assistance in Assesment Proceedings
  • Tax Appeals
  • TDS / TCS Advisory and Compliance


International Taxation

  • Foreign Trade Policy Matters
  • Transfer Pricing Advisory & Audit
  • Advisory on International Taxation
  • DTAA Advisory & Planning


Indirect Tax

  • Registration with various authorities
  • Consultation for Day to Day GST compliances
  • GST Registration Service
  • Advisory Services for GST and Custom Law
  • Advisory on Claims for Refunds
  • Return filing and other Compliances
  • Consultation on HSN/ SAC Code, Applicable Tax Rates, Selection of Appropriate Software etc Organizations not only need to adopt and adhere to the ever increasing compliances, but can also benefit by strategizing and executing their business plans in order to minimize their tax liabilities within the existing regulatory framework.Entities need to plan their business activities in such a manner that these transactions are well within the given regulatory framework and compliances are made within the prescribed timelines while ensuring that the entity does not lose sight of its core deliverables.

Accounting, Advisory and Business Assistance Services

The Indian Companies Act, 2013 requires that books of accounts be maintained, complying with mandatory accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) or, as prescribed by the Central Government. It also lays down the formats for the balance sheet and profit and loss account.

The method of accounting to be regularly followed by the assesse, for computation of ‘income’ chargeable to tax has also been provided by The Income Tax Act, 1961.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), also requires certain disclosures in the annual reports of listed companies such as cash flow statement, corporate governance and publishing of quarterly reports under the guidelines laid down by it.

Similarly, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) also determines the types and format of disclosures to be made.

There are several accounting standards and interpretations issued by The Accounting Standards Board that need to be followed.

Our team of qualified accountants will take care of all the support that you require to satisfy these Disclosures and Statutory Compliances apart from the routine accounting processes.

Accounting, Advisory and Business Assistance Services include:

  • Advisory and people support on day-to-day Accounting/ bookkeeping
  • Designing of Accounting & Finance Systems for better Internal Control & Compliance
  • Support on Documentation, Preparation of MIS Reports & Accounting Records
  • IFRS Implementation
  • Ind-AS Implementation
  • ERP Implementation
  • Accounting and retainer-ship services
  • Deputation of In-house resource

FEM Act and RBI Regulations

The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) is the primary legislation in India which regulates cross-border transactions and related activities. FEMA and the rules made thereunder are administrated by the RBI regulations. The FEMA consolidates and amends the law relating to foreign exchange with the objective of facilitating external trade and payments and for promoting the orderly development and maintenance of the foreign exchange market in India.

The Reserve Bank of India Act empowers the RBI to issue rules, regulations, directions and guidelines on a wide range of issues relating to the banking and financial sector. The RBI is the central bank, an independent apex monetary authority which regulates banks and provides important financial services like storing of foreign exchange reserves, control of inflation, monetary policy report. It regulates money supply and credit in the country. The RBI has wide ranging powers to regulate the financial sector, including: Corporate governance; prudential norms; and conditions for structuring products and services.

The Infinitude Consulting team offers appropriate FEMA Consultancy Services strictly in accordance with the industry laid proposals and agreements for avoiding any discrepancies. These services include setting up Project office / subsidiaries of foreign companies in India along with FEMA / RBI compliance for inbound and outbound investments.

FEMA and RBI Services include:

  • Advisory on setting up Project Office in India
  • Consulting on FDI & Other RBI policies
  • Compliances & Filings for Indian Operations
  • Filing of various Forms with RBI for investments in India
  • Setting up Company outside India
  • Issue of Statutory Certificates under FEMA and RBI regulation
  • Advisory for obtaining Import / Export Code

Corporate Laws and Company Secretarial services

The Companies Act, 2013 is an Act to make the law more contemporary and relevant to corporate, regulators and stakeholders in India. This Act is administered by the Government of India through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Offices of Registrar of Companies, Official Liquidators, Public Trustee, Company Law Board, Director of Inspection, etc.  The Act primarily regulates the formation, financing, functioning and winding up of companies in India.

Company Legal Compliance is now viewed as a separate service because of its complexity and because it is quite time consuming. We help firms interpret and comply with the rules and regulations in order for them to continue to operate in their chosen sectors.

The Infinitude Consulting team renders services and guidance in this sector. There are many sections of the Companies Act where we are in a position to provide guidance and supporting services pertaining to Corporate Laws in India.

Corporate Laws and Company Secretarial services include:

  • Incorporation of the company – Company / LLP Formation
  • Company Name approval related Services
  • Application for Director Identification Number (DIN) for Directors
  • Obtaining the Digital Signatures (DSC) for the proposed Directors
  • Filing of form for situation of registered office
  • Appointment/ Removal/ Resignation of directors
  • Mandatory Company Secretarial filings and other matters
  • Matters affecting share capital and distributions
  • Statutory provisions relating to various meetings like Board Meetings, Statutory Meetings AGM, etc.
  • Filing of Forms with ROC for Creation/ Alteration of Charge

Business Registrations

To commence and continue any business in India, registrations under various Acts and Laws are required. It is very difficult for a layperson to understand all the complexities of registrations required for a particular type of business (not all registrations are required for all the business). In addition to it the procedures for different registrations add to the confusion and burden the layperson.

The dedicated Infinitude Consulting team provides specialised advisory and services so as to help understand registration requirements and the procedures for various registrations under different acts and laws.

Business Registrations services include:

  • Private/ Public Limited Company formation
  • Limited Liability Partnership Registration
  • Partnership Firm Registration
  • Trust/ NGO Registration
  • Sole-Proprietor Registrations
  • PF/ ESI/ PT Registration
  • MSME Registration
  • Startup India Registration
  • Trade mark/ Brand Registration

Outsourced CFO Services

The Finance function being the lifeblood of a business, the financial health of an organisation holds the key to its survival and growth. Given the complexity and structure of a business model, some businesses, such as Start-ups and SMEs, may not have the necessary resources to hire an in-house Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Such businesses now have a choice to opt for an Outsourced CFO Service Company like Infinitude Consulting. While In-house CFO salaries are a huge cost burden, including benefits or bonuses, companies usually do not even have enough work to keep a full-time CFO occupied.

Infinitude Consulting provides part-time, full time or short-term CFO services to businesses suitably, according to an organisation’s needs. We help improve upon your company’s existing financial strategy by providing expert presence with financial, corporate, and systems experience, (without the unnecessary cost of having a fulltime in-house CFO).

We study each situation as different and accordingly customize your outsourced CFO services to fit your company’s particular needs. Whether you’re an organisation that’s on the fast path towards growth or a start-up that’s working at making it big, or an MSME, we’ve got our solutions strategized to cater just for your unique requirement.

Outsourced CFO Services include:

  • Designing / Fine-tuning your Financial strategy
  • Cash flow, analysis, planning and restructuring
  • Short, medium and long term Forecasting
  • Budgeting control
  • Variance Analysis
  • Designing and Implementation of MIS (Management Information System)
  • Facilitating and interpreting Financial Reports; Financial Analyst Services
  • Cost-cutting policies and maneuvres

Payroll Processing Services

One of the key features that every start up and small business should give significance to presently is Payroll Management through Payroll Outsourcing.

Payroll outsourcing is the act of delegating payroll administration to a third party having expertise in payroll processes. Time spent on payroll, managing considerable amounts of data and ensuring no miscalculations are made, is time taken away from the core tasks of your business. So, generally companies outsource their payroll functions to cut costs, and to get better services. Processing payroll in-house is time-consuming and requires lots of attention to detail, and that demand increases as staff numbers grow.

By outsourcing payroll processing, which can include everything from calculating payroll taxes and statutory filings to handling payroll enquiries, your organization could be much better off financially. Our outsourced solution will deliver peace of mind and free up time in your company, ultimately saving you money and reducing compliance risk—and helping you deliver the payroll experience your employees deserve.

Our payroll management system will take care of your every business need, as well as, make your payroll solutions simple and affordable. Your Payroll and salary administration works are perfectly handled by our team of experts, through tools designed for flexibility and affordability.

Payroll Processing Services include:

  • Processing payroll
  • Payroll related Compliances
  • PF/ ESI/ PT Registration, filing, compliances, departmental representation before authorities
  • TDS Compliances
  • And much more to suit your specific business requirement

Business Support Services

Business Plan Development/ Project Reports

A business plan essentially defines the company’s focus & strategy. It lays down its vision, long term goals, and the proposed action plan to achieve its predetermined targets. Several factors such as the key operational drivers, as well as, the external & internal factors that impact the business are addressed in this document. It is thus a vital document as it creates a first impression about the company and its objectives in the minds of investors, banks, and other third parties with whom the company intends to deal and transact.

Our teams have the requisite knowledge and know-how to identify the relevant drivers needed, to prepare & formulate a suitable business plan for you. Taking into consideration the unique premise and goals of a company, Infinitude Consulting helps formulate a business plan that best represents an estimate of the achievable targets, set by the client company, as appropriate for the Indian markets.

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Company Secretary

  1. To provide accurate and timely Management Information along with relevant inferences/conclusions to the Management.
  2. Manage secretarial and statutory compliance requirement of the company. To develop systems and process towards the capture and analysis of relevant financial information towards ensuring, sound and informed decision making.
  3. Other duties would include Secretarial Compliance, Financial Reporting, Financial Planning, Coordination of ROC and secretarial activities, Analyses in all areas of the company: Inventory Analysis.
  4. Sales Analysis, Margin Analysis, etc.